
This project is hosted by Sourceforge. See for downloads, mailing lists, etc.

Related projects

HTTPSession is still alpha and misses some features. Be sure to check the following projects which may be more appropriate for your needs:


CVS access

The main and only module is named HTTPSession. If you wish to use CVS, replace modulename by HTTPSession (case sensitive) in the instructions on the sourceforge CVS page


This project takes some codes from the following open sources projects:

HTTPClient is a much more complete library than HTTPSession. The cookie handling has been originally imported from HTTPClient. It has been modified, but some parts still remain from the original code or comments.
Apache JMeter
The java class apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.Base64Encoder is directly used.


This project is distributed under the LGPL licence. It includes Log4j, a software developed by the Apache Software Foundation.

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